Custom PowerShell prompt

This is a prompt for PowerShell, for it to work you’ll need a monospaced nerd font like “JetBrains Mono Nerd Font” I think it looks nice, it’s moddeld after the “bobthefish” theme of the fish shell, sadly without the additional functionality.

function prompt {
    $identity = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
    $principal = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] $identity
    $adminRole = [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator
	$prefix = "$(
			Get-Date -Format "d/M HH:Mm"
		) "+$env:USERNAME+"$($PSStyle.Foreground.Yellow)" + $(
		if (Test-Path variable:/PSDebugContext) {
			} elseif ($principal.IsInRole($adminRole)) {
			} else {
		) + "$($PSStyle.Foreground.White)"

	$drive = $(Get-Location).Drive
    $winPath = $(Get-Location).Path.Split('\')
	if ($(Get-Location).Path -like $HOME + '*') {
		$path = "~"
		$i = 3
	} else {
		$path = '/'+$drive.ToString()
		$i = 1
	for($i; $i -lt $winPath.Length; $i++) {
		if ($i -eq $winPath.Length-1) {
			$path += '/' + $winPath[$i]
		} else {
			$path += '/' + $winPath[$i][0]

	$body = $path
	$suffix = " $(
	) $(
    $prefix + $body + $suffix